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Often when doing clients websites I have to do a gallery for them and in this day and age everyone armed with a cellphone seems to be a professional photographer!

Uploading bad pics to a website is like pouring sour milk with your cupa Latte !! No matter how nice the latte is the milk will spoil it.

People are Visual and besides testimonials people seem to prioritize pics in websites , it does not matter almost what the product cost is or how good the product is , you’ve can have huge banners showcasing specials of the month etc if the pics are bad then you lost half the battle.

This is why basic photo manipulation skills is an absolute necessity for web developers.

Below is one of my fav tricks I learnt over the years using Photoshop and is done in 5 steps and about 60 secs to complete.

We will be achieving the below effect  (yes I love fishing)

Sparty Designs Foto Manipulation Before

Sparty Designs Foto Manipulation After

Step One

Open the pic in Photoshop

Step One

Sparty Designs Foto Manipulation open

Step two

Go to image > adjustments >> Curves

(Or for a quick access press the Crtl and M button simultaneously)

Sparty Designs Foto Manipulation 1


Step Three

This will bring up the Curves Dialogue box as below, here you can tweak the colour correction settings manually by moving the line to your desire or simply like I do click on auto on the right

Sparty Designs Foto Manipulation 2

Step Four (not Necessary for all pics)

I like to further tweak my pics to that the line makes a slight S curve , this brings out the light colors more and adds a little more depth to your pic.


Sparty Designs Foto Manipulation 3

Step Five

Save the file !!


And that’s it , a simple yet very effective way to make you pics look more professional and alive.


Here is a side by side view of the before vs the after pic !!


Sparty Designs Foto Manipulation compare